I've finally gotten myself false eyelashes at Shu Uemura! My attempt to have long beautiful lashes, the easy way. (I hope!) I have long lashes but it's not nice and curly like some lucky people do, but with alot of mascara, I've gotten compliments (haha, perasan sekejap :p)
Anyway, I intend to wear these to weddings or parties even, just to have that different look. I was told by the SA that you can actually use it up to 15 times. So I guess I can use these for quite some time.
Although my intention when I stepped into Shu Uemura was ONLY to get false eyelashes, I end up buying the glue (well, this one I need, so takpe), eye curlers, and the skin purifier - their famous cleansing oil. With the extras, I am now a Shu Uemura member. hehe
Now that I'm a member, I'm entitled to:
1. 2 eye brow trimmings
2. 2 lash atelier workshops
3. and 2 makeovers
all for FREE!!
Yeay! That's the happy part. The other not so happy thing is that I'm thinking about returning the cleansing oil and get a mascara and something else, a concealer maybe.
I was just thinking that I might not use this product, since I'm using products recommended by my skin doc. It did feel nice on my hands when they did the demo on me, plus it is one of their best products, but I'm just scared that it might have a reaction to my skin. I did think about it earlier just now, but don't know what got into me.. pergi beli jugak :p
Anyone has tried this product?
heeyyy, I'm to thinking to get one too, okay ke if i tanye, the price?
and y shu u? if others?
hye.i was about to ask about the minimum spending for us to become their member?is there any extra charges?thanks in adv
Nadia: The ones I bought are RM55 & RM60. If I'm not mistaken the price goes up to RM70.Why Shu U. is because my friends have tried this brand and I didn't really check on d others. However, I went into Stage before Shu U.,u can get them for RM30 a pair,but the SA didn't seem friendly & they only had 3 types.I didn't bother to ask more. Go check out Shu U., they have so many to choose from.
Baby: Hi! Spend at least RM250, and you're automatically a member, No xtra charges, membership is for free, and you get the FREE stuff i mentioned which is valid for a year :)
owhhhhh...i love that slant black! my fav!!!
it makes ur face looks softer! like a puppy eye mr.dco cakap ;p hehehehe...
important tips...when taking it off, make sure u do it slowly n gently...dont just rip it off...if possible, hold the base when taking it off instead of the tips...so as die tak putus n out of shape ;) n after use, keep it in the same box...same exact location, to maintain the shape too ;) so then, enjoy ur new look! ;)
Thanks for the info!! nanti i pegi tgk, will get asap neih :)takde la mahal sgt.
aha, verde thanks juge, marveles tips :)
Thank you for the tips Verde :)
And to Nadia, go buy them and don't forget show us yours hehe
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