Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Online Store - Do Check it Out! -updated May 2010

March 3, 2009


I've redeemed 2 items from Bonuslink. Some of my points have expired over the last few months, but I forgot my pin and never really made it a point to call up the company to reset my pin.
And today, I finally did!

I grabbed a Kingston 4GB flash drive and a 1500W Philips Salonshine Ion hairdryer!
My hairdryer is spoilt and I have been air drying my hair for the last few weeks. My hair is quite long and thick too, so it takes ages to towel dry.. sometimes I go to work with my hair half wet (the inner sections), but I have straight hair, so it's not very obvious, I think :p

Philips Salon Ion

Kingston 4GB

My items should arrive in 2-4 weeks.

1 comment:

mslvoe said...

their redemption items best2 kan dear.. i still remember when i redeem some utensils.. the item is very good.