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Online Store - Do Check it Out! -updated May 2010

June 10, 2009

Something Us Females Can Never Get Enough Of

I'm almost done with my Risk Report for the first half of our financial year. Not the final version yet, this is only my first draft. With hopes that my boss is ok with it and with minor changes needed, soon I will not have to see the risk registers again (for this half of the year at least). Going through risk terminologies and jargons to prepare this report can get pretty boring.

Anyway, feeling a little less stressful this morning and before I head down to Bursa this afternoon to attend a talk, I browsed through s.h.o.e.s online.

At Nine West, these caught my eye. And some of it is actually on SALE. The four letter word that it very important in every woman's vocabulary. The thought of new shoes is rather tempting. But big no for me now, I just bought 2 pairs a few weeks ago, and I haven't even worn them yet.
So I'm just gonna go virtual window shopping for now...


ms lolli said...

i agree =)

ms lolli said...

ohya..please collect your award at my blog.. =)

calla_lily said...

aka lollipop: Thank you for the award! :)