Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Online Store - Do Check it Out! -updated May 2010

August 14, 2010

2 months hiatus!

It's been quite long since I last blogged.

I think since I last wrote:

1. Hubby and I made a business/leisure trip to Boston, went up to Maine to have big, fat, fresh lobsters and made a few more trips to NYC....
2. I spent a whole 10 days with my bestie in Chicago while hubby flew back to Malaysia & HK for business...
3. Got a birthday surprise from hubby - a dinner cruise on Odyssey...
4. Celebrated 4th of July watching fireworks in D.C (which was also my birthday weekend!)
5. Moved to a new apartment - on the 26th floor with a view of D.C...
6. Did I miss anything? Maybe I did, 2 months is a long time!

1 comment:

ms lolli said...

welcome back girl..tak sabar nak dengar your ramblings again =)